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tv   Good Morning Washington 600  ABC  April 16, 2010 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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we will have clear skies and a lot of sunshine today when the sun rises in 30 minutes. temperatures will reach near 60 degrees. 60 degreethis morning, that is. a few thunderstorms along the mason-dixon, southern pennsylvania. close to sunset, a few lights sprinkles anticipated for the rest of us while we are sleeping tonight. behind the cold front, a big changes. near 60 degrees for the high temperatures this weekend, mostly sunny. it will be present on saturday. it does not look good out there, what's happening? >> i'm going to show you something the caller was telling me about it. something on the wilson bridge. demillo the screen, flashing lights. that's the inner loop, mid span,
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wilson bridge. whatever it was has moved on to the shoulder. everybody is curious coming out of maryland across the wilson bridge. i will tell you to stick with your normal route. this is the topside of the beltway at new hampshire avenue, no delays. good on 270, not a frederick county. that is traffic closest was always down to father early boulevard, no problems getting into boxville. back to you. >> thank you. breaking news from montgomery county, police are investigating a homicide in silver spring. a man's body was found in a house on the 9300 block of columbia boulevard. gatti part is live on the scene with a late breaking details. police have released an id and we understand it's a public figure in the dc area. >> that's right. police say the victim and 42- year-old brian keith betts.
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he was a principal at shaw middle school in northwest washington. the call came in around 7:30 last night. they're treating this as a homicide investigation. police said he did not support or and that's what a co-worker stopped by his home late at night. when a co-worker enter an alcohol, the co-worker found the body. -- when a co-worker entered the home. this is what a neighbor had to say. >> this is a safe part of silver spring. when done something like this happens, you wonder what's going on. but authorities say the victim'' vehicle, normally found outside the home, is not there. it is described as a dark blue 2007 nissan xterra.
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also, old records show in 2002 in the same home there was another crime scene. two people were shot and killed. that case is closed. but the recent incident is an ongoing investigation. we will bring you the latest as it becomes available. kathy park reporting from silver spring. >> thank you. several montgomery county middle school and high-school students are under investigation for their role in the sexting scandal. if students at powell middle school and walt whitman high school posed for inappropriate photographs and videos. that material was sold and bought by classmates. police are investigating the case. much more coming up in a live report. the d.c. public school system may not have a budget surplus after all. the chief financial officer says the $34 million budget surplus cited by chancellor michelle rhee does not exist.
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the washington post reports the amount is offset by overspending in the system's central office. >> the headlines in britain are about "air dkms." every plane nearly -- "air chaos." nearly every airplane grounded. >> this is because of nearly all the chaos. a volcano in iceland erupted beneath a glacier, bringing european air travel to a halt. >> flights have been canceled. it's devastating. >> as the volcanic ash moves east, it shows no sign of letting up. air travel hasn't brought to turmoil. some airports will be closed on the weekend. it is dangerous. the particles president in the volcanic ash can cause immense
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damage to an aircraft engine. if ingested, it can cause the airplane to stall mid flight. any hint of danger lingering in the air means authorities have to proceed very carefully with how quickly they allow flights to resume. this morning germany closed 11 international airports. most air space over poland is closed, which could lead the sunday funeral of president lech kaczynski. abc news, london. but president obama has signed bill restoring unemployment to hundreds of thousands of americans. the house and senate approved last night. it will be funded through june 2. the president is calling on lawmakers to extend benefits through the end of the year. republicans did not want the cost to be added to the deficit, so they fought the bill. president obama has also signed an order requiring hospitals that accept medicare and medicaid for to allow gays and lesbians to have power of
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attorney for their partners and have non-family visits. it will go public this morning. >> today marks the three-year anniversary of the virginia tech shooting which left 32 people and the gunman dead. today they will pay tribute to the victims on campus. classes will be cancelled. two benches will be dedicated to honor survivors and resilience of the community. a candlelight vigil will be held this evening. the police officers, new details in the store you birdsall on abc 7, the police officers caught on tape beating a university of maryland student are getting death threats. prince george's county police have suspended two more officers. two other officers were suspended after the video service on monday. it shows police beating john mckenna with a baton during a celebration last month. that was a celebration of the victory over duke.
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>> still ahead, our break at the verizon center. the capitals brought a close game into overtime. >> also, could this be another roadblock for representation? one lawmaker has promised to challenge the district's right to vote. >> above-average temperatures today. big changes for the weekend. you are
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>> happy friday morning.
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finally friday. a great day. it will feel a little like early summer with high temperatures in the low 80's and a lot of sunshine. if shirtsleeves for the afternoon today. mainly near 60 degrees right now. if a pretty good start to the day. we have a few sprinkles along the mason-dixon line, northern frederick county, crossing over 15 right now. also, north of berkeley springs, wv, an isolated sprinkle. those are dying off quickly. allies, clear and sunny for the morning and most of the day. highs in the low 80's. a cold front will move into town later this evening. that could cause a few thunderstorms near the mason- dixon line around sunset. if just a few sprinkles for the rest of us tonight while we are asleep. pretty significant -- insignificant rain. breezy and cool on the weekend. >> you could use some quiet
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traffic. 270 qwest in sykesville near 32, there was an accident close to the truck playstation. i 70 west traffic is able to get around it. i wanted to take you to the beltway in montgomery county, looks good. connecticut ave. will be at speed. on 66, the manassas exit, the two left lanes are blocked. this is traffic with headlights north. then track to getting into springfield. >> thank you. a voting rights bill as new life on capitol hill. utah's senator orrin hatch wants changes before he will vote for it. they want to add another house seats for utah. he says only citizens of the newly created district should
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choose their representative. the bill will come to the house floor sometime next week. >> today is d.c. emancipation day. some parking changes will be in effect. parking meter payments will be only in the area around national hardware a game is scheduled around national park where a game is scheduled. >> and waterboarding and the white house. >> montgomery county police are investigating the sexting case this morning. details geico's been saving people money on car insurance for over 70 years. and who doesn't want value for their dollar? been true since the day i made my first dollar. where is that dollar? i got it out to show you...
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uhh... was it rather old and wrinkly? yeah, you saw it? umm fancy a crisp? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> we begin our top stories with breaking news. investigators have identified
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the man founded in his silver spring home last night. a co-worker led to the 42-year- old brian keith betts home when he did not show up for work. his car is missing. he's the principal at shaw middle school in d.c.. top lawyers at the white house and the cia nor angry to run the cia destroyed indication video in 2005. it showed an accused terrorist being waterboarded. interrogators' did not follow or boarding procedures that was authorized by the white house. if you have not mailed your census form back, today's deadline to return the forms to the government. if it's not received, a census workers will come to your house and called you and your family. 65% of american households have already returned their census forms. >> 6:15 on this friday.
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following a disturbing story out of bethesda. local students accused of taking, sending, and then selling nude photographs. the sexting scandal was taking place inside thomas pyle middle school and walt whitman high school. now more details on that. >> there was a lot of talk and all about a greater sense and the nude photographs of girls. >> montgomery county police investigating the scandal at thomas pyle lee middle school and walt whitman high school in bethesda. but for that to happen in high school is a big deal. for that to happen as young as middle school is pretty scary. >> according to administrators, some female students at high school and middle school willingly posed for pictures and videos. the pictures and videos were shared by cellphone and e-mail and sold to other students. >> sometimes young people don't understand the ramifications of what seems harmless.
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>> over the past three years administrators have worked to educate students of the dangers of cell phones and social networking shoff and are asking parents to discuss cyber safety with their children. >> i feel sad for the parents and students and i feel sad for the students who must not have known the seriousness of what was going on. >> mike tells us anyone in maryland arrested in the sexting related case could face a number of serious charges including felony sexual exploitation of a minor and possession and dispute duchdistribution of child pornography. in spring valley, workers digging in a neighborhood near american university unearthed glassware that was contaminated with arsenic trichloride. officials are assessing what to do. >> it's time for look at traffic
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and weather every 10 minutes on this friday. >> we start with lisa baden. how are things moving? >> no accidents along 95 in or out of baltimore. in sykesville near the truck playstation close to 32, all lanes are closed. -- playstation. -- weigh station. this is a live picture of heavy traffic on 95 northbound coming through springfield to get towards the pentagon. let's go to adam caskey. >> a mild start to our day, in the upper 50's. near 60 degrees. frederik at 59. north of their we have a few sprinkles. that is the exception, not the norm. 55 in hamilton , virginia.
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72 and martinsburg, but that's hard for me to believe. huntingtown at 57 degrees. king george is currently at 58. let's go to our forecast for today. a decent amount of sunshine with increasing clouds later this afternoon. the cold front drops in from the north, and clouds to the sky later today. highs in the low 80's today, feels like early summer time. with a west wind. after an around sun'set we can nudge allowed a few thunderstorms. the showers will begin to arrive tonight moseley. the timing of the front is not very good for widespread
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thunderstorms. maybe just a few rounds and said further north. the rain will thin out overnight. a few sprinkles for the rest of us. not a good soaking for your lawn. after water this weekend. a lot of sunshine through the weekend. breezy tomorrow. you'll notice that behind a cold front. it will be a cool breeze out of the northwest. a good day for sailing. near 60 degrees for most of the weekend. most of the weekend will be spent in the 50's. with the breeze tomorrow, it will be chilly. remaining below average through the early part of next week even into the middle of next week with a lot of sunshine. a dry weather pattern is taking shape if behind the cold front that's going to give us a few sprinkles tonight. back to you. >> chinalco rowling stone
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online. also, the uprising cost of the volcano in iceland. to jeremy hubbard as those stories and more. >> good morning. we begin with the economic fallout from the volcano. the enormous cloud of ash is a continent away, but it's costing big bucks in the united states. if diverted flights are eating up fuel. today is a grounded flights means canceled vacations, business trips, and disruptions of shipments of perishable foods dancefloors. it's likely to run in the tens of millions of dollars. unemployment is still rising. if 24,000 people filed new jobless claims last week, the second straight week of sharp increases. unemployment is 9.7% still. congress agreed to extend benefits for long-term unemployed until june 2. president obama has signed it into law. google profits rose 23% during the first quarter. that reflects a rebound in advertising. that could mean more jobs.
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the company added 800 people over the past two years and expects to higher aggressively in 2010. there is another sign the economy is improving. venture-capital lists if invested more money into u.s. businesses during the first three months. if that was up 38% over the same period last year. if mostly went to biotechnology startups. flintstone is going on along, strange trip. starting monday the magazine will charge a fee for some online access. jauron news updates and slide shows will remain free, but 39 $3.95 to see the entire issue and additional money for back issues. coming up on "good morning america", the latest on delays and disruptions caused by the volcano in iceland. if that is your "money scope report.". on jeremy hubbard. >> its 57 degrees. >> still ahead, alex ovechkin on
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the ice or on the beach. the coach called the superstar out last night after he went missing in action. >> today on "oprah," live in chicago with elton john and actor russell crowe. that's at 4:00 and abc 7.
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>> if the capitals want to get the stanley cup this year, they
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will have to perform better than they did in game 1 of the playoffs last night. >> such a disappointment, sloppy effort from the regular-season chance against the montreal canadiens. this is the big leagues. tomas had been taunting the capitals. alex ovechkin was a virtual nashotah. -- no-show. >> when you get 50 shots on goal and ovechkin does not get any, i think hw was not very good tonight. but they will try to even the series tomorrow at the verizon center. he got called out by the coach. >> he did. the coach was highly agitated.
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6:25. we have another half hour of good morning washinton. >> coming up, remembering the victims of the virginia tech massacre, the campus is marking the day three years later. >> a d.c. principle is found dead inside a silver spring home. i'm kathy park. i will have the latest from the scene. >> i am meteorologist adam caskey. a cold front is moving in our direction. i will let you know what it will direction. i will let you know what it will do to our
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somewhere in america... there's a home by the sea powered by the wind on the plains. there's a hospital where technology has a healing touch. there's a factory giving old industries new life.
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and there's a train that got a whole city moving again. somewhere in america, the toughest questions are answered every day. because somewhere in america, more than sixty thousand people spend every day answering them. siemens. answers.
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>> live, and in hd, this is good morning washington, on your side. >> breaking news from montgomery county this morning. police are investigating a suspicious death with a strange twist. good morning, washington. 6:30 on this friday, april 16. i am alison starling. >> i am doug mcelway.
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let's start with adam caskey on what promises to be a nice way to end the workweek. >> a great friday. the cold front arrives later this evening, which will change things for the weekend. if cooler and breezy tomorrow, not as mild. right now it's a mild starts to the day. feels like early summer. 61 degrees in the district, 59 in leesburg, 61 in damascus. at a bus stop you don't need an umbrella. the few sprinkles up north were anticipated. increasing clouds this afternoon. 82 degrees will be the high temperature. late day storms north of the beltway. a few sprinkles for the rest of us while we are asleep. >> interstate 70 in sykesville westbound is closed. that's close to exit 32 near the truck station. 66 is open. i'm having one of those days.
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there is 66 eastbound, backed up through manassas out of gainesville. there's a record at the exit for to 34 business moved to the shoulder. >> not a pretty picture. thank you. breaking news out of montgomery county. a suspicious death in silver spring. there's a strange twist. authorities found a body of 42- year-old brian keith betts in the 9200 block of columbia boulevard about 7:30 last night. kathy park has details. >> good morning. the victim is 42 years old. he was the principle of shaw middle school in northwest washington. he was a longtime montgomery county school administrator as well. police sex he did not support-- hesay he did not joaquim for wok
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-- did not show up for work yesterday, prompting a co-worker to go to the home. this is what a neighbor had to say. >> this is a generally safe area. you wonder what's going on. >> authorities say his vehicle, normally found outside, is missing. it is described as a dark blue 2007 nissan xterra with license plate 562m222. police are on the lookout for that. to the bizarre twist in all of this, old records show in 2002 the same home behind me was also a crime scene. two people were shot and killed, a father and daughter. that case is closed. the more recent incident is an ongoing investigation. we will bring you the latest as it becomes available. live in silver spring, kathy park.
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>> its about 6:30. central montgomery county middle and high school students are under investigation for their role in the sexting scandal. school officials ay students at pile middle school and walt whitman high school posed for inappropriate photographs and videos. the explicit material was then sold and bought by classmates. much more on that coming up in a live report. first, a developing story from the district. the d.c. public school system may not have had a budget surplus after all. the chief financial officer says a $34 million budget surplus that was cited by chancellor michelle rhee in fact does not exist. the washington post reports the amount is offset by overspending in the system's central office. >> there will be more flight disruptions today because of volcanic ash from the volcano in iceland. flights to and from britain, germany, and several other european countries have been canceled.
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planes have been kept on the ground because of the volcanic ash. that could damage the engine, causing them to stall in this light. this has stranded thousands of passengers at airports around the world. >> some flights are completely cancelled in the u.k. and iceland. -- and ireland. it is devastating. >> the volcano erupting beneath the glacier continues to spew ash and molten debris into the air. it could be several days before the skies become safe again. >> president obama has signed a bill restoring jobless benefits to hundreds of thousands of americans. the house and senate approved the $18 billion bill last night. it extends unemployment through june 2. he wants congress to extend benefits through the end of the year. republicans fought the bill because they did not what the cost to be added to the deficit. >> an emotional day at virginia tech at the campus community
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marks the third anniversary of the shooting rampage. 32 people and the gunman killed off on april 16, 2007. a day of remembrance will be held on campus today to pay tribute to the victims. classes will be cancelled. the freshman at the time will be graduating this year on may 14. three democratic virginia congressman want to avoid a repeat of the virginia tragedy. they're asking their colleagues to close the gun shows paul. jim moran, bobby scott an, and connally brought private sellers to perform background checks on buyers at gun shows. >> prince george's county police have suspended two more officers. two other officers were suspended after the video service on monday. they have received death threats. the video shows the police hitting a student with a baton
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during the victory celebration over duke. >> the president is popular, but most americans are not feeling glove. we have a closer look. >> a super hero sendoff and more for the weekend box office, coming up. >> major backups on 66. these are live pictures. it is a clock 36
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>> hi, i am sister sharon from old town gaithersburg. on behalf of the faculty and students at st. martin's school, the oldest school in montgomery county, like to say -- >> good morning, washington. >> welcome back. 6:39 is the time. we have made it to friday. traffic and weather every 10 minutes. >> if you want to enjoy the summerlike weather, this is the day to do it. >> that's right. it's like summer without the intense humidity. a lot of sunshine to start our day.
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at sunrise right now looking at the district. the little cloud cover. clear skies for the most part with a lot of bright sunshine in store. 59 african national, 57 at dulles airports. if today, increasing clouds this afternoon. a cold front will come through this evening and while we are sleeping tonight. for around sunset around the mason-dixon line up north we could have a few thunderstorms. however, for the vast majority of us, just a few sprinkles as we go to bed and while we sleep tonight. 60 degrees for the high temperatures this weekend with sunshine and breezes. most of the weekend will be spent in the 50's. long sleeve weather for some folks. >> i planted strawberries. i hope they make it. i have never grown them before. if we're going to show you traffic on 66 eastbound coming out of manassas, with a brief delay.
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there's a crash. moved off to the side of the road. that is the only delay on 66. plenty of twinkling lights, but moving at a good pace, northbound 95 getting into springfield. one more cama before we go to the desk. across the wilson bridge, everything is open. all right. >> thank you. this weekend expect delays on metro. the trains will share one track on the red, blue, orange, and green lines. they're doing track work and replacing a real switch. delays of up to 40 minutes can be expected. >> 6:41 on this friday. 60
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you are watching good morning washington. with doug mcelway, alison starling, meteorologist brian van de graaff, and lisa baden with traffic. this is good morning washington, on your side. >> the time is 6:44 on a friday. let's check the top stories. we begin with breaking news. investigators have identified a man found dead in a silver spring home last night. a co-worker found 42-year-old brian keith betts body inside his columbia boulevard home after he did not show up for work. his car is missing. he's dependable at shaw middle school in d.c.. the key is the principle. police are investigating a sexting scandal at two bethesda
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schools, middle school and a high school. cent on cell phone. >> good morning. administrators sent this letter home to parents notifying them of the situation. if the letter describes inappropriate pictures and videos of female students at the school discovered on an ipods touch. the inappropriate use of technology in the happened off campus but some students actually bought and sold the images during the school day, says the letter. today's students are calling it's scary and parents are feeling bad for those involved. middle school students taking pictures of each other and posting them online. the middle school says they have been working to educate students and parents about using the internet and the dangers of social networking and other talking to parents about cyber
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safety. >> thank you, mike. president obama has ordered a review of coal mines with poor safety records. he's calling on federal officials to strengthen laws that he says are riddled with loopholes that allow unsafe conditions to continue. mr. obama criticized if the operator of the west virginia mine where 29 workers were killed last week. there will be more flight disruptions today because of volcanic ash from iceland. >> airplanes in several european countries have been grounded. flight cancellations have stranded thousands of passengers at airports around world. if it might take several days for the skies to clear out. knew this morning, a white house disconnect. beltway insiders and white house insiders say the president is riding high on recent successes. >> but it appears the rest of the country has soured on the president, his party, and his programs.
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mike allen has more. tell us what's happening. >> in the beltway we assume the health care deal was a big blow joke for the president, he's being written about like lbj -- hit was good for the president, but he is being written about like lbj. but out here we have to pay for it. i spoke with a tennessee gov., he says it's a couple million dollars a year they don't have. they have not been giving raises. now they're going to have been new expenses for running the
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health care program. >> where's the money coming from other than taxpayers? this big deficit is uncharted territory because of its mass of this. >> some democrats said the president needs to be alice selling this plan more. only the president can convince people that they are wrong about this. republicans were successful in attacking this as a spending bill. the pennsylvania governor, a democrat, told as republicans had won the spin war. the debate is whether to do this now or later. some democrats say the president should spend more time on the health care plan, explaining it, rather than going on to the wall street reform. >> its all the effects what happens in november. people have to wait and see. >> exactly. have a good weekend. >> thank you. >> time for traffic and weather
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every 10 minutes. >> adam caskey is in for brian van de graaff with the latest on a beautiful friday. >> we had a few sprinkles an hour ago on the mason-dixon line. that has dissipated. we have mostly clear conditions locally. this is a live look from chesapeake beach looking east over the bay at the sunrise, a beautiful start to the date. evin looks good locally. 59 degrees at reagan national. 6:49 a.m. in the 50's, near 60 moseley. 82 degrees this afternoon. a good amount of sunshine with increasing cloud cover, ahead of a cold front that's going to hit around sunset. there's lightning bolts and a few raindrops around and after sunset, we could see a few thunderstorms north, near the mason-dixon line. for the rest of us, around the beltway end to the south, maybe a few sprinkles at bedtime and
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tonight and maybe even when you wake up tomorrow. near 50 degrees. we will have midnight high temperatures because of the cold front. and means it should be warmer at midnight than it will be at the 12:00 01 pm. >> 395 northbound near duke street, there was a crash between a dump truck and car. that's after the beltway getting into a landmark. now a second record at gleib rd northbound. two crashes to get to the pentagon northbound on 395. let's jump to newschopper 7 flying over 66, no major problems to report. let's go to the chopper. 66 eastbound looks great after you get past the wreck on the shoulder in manassas.
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we are going to the movies when we return. car owner: yeah, here she is. friend: it's uh . . . great. car owner: thanks. friend: yeah. car owner: doors would have been nice. friend: yeah. car owner: they weren't in my budget. friend: no biggie. car owner: hey, you want to hop in, go for a ride? friend: oh! be easy, right? car owner: yeah! carmax spokesperson: settling for less is not smart. what is smart is getting more car for your money at carmax.
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for the money you would spend on a stripped down new car, you could get a fully loaded guaranteed quality used car at carmax. now more than ever the smart choice is carmax. the way car buying should be.
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my subaru saved my life. i won't ever forget that. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> comedy and action. >> you don't need paula to be a super hero. >> "the gas is the super hero
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sendoff that are rated and jaw dropping. 3.5 starts. >> it's not my fault. >> we have jackie chan. >> chris roddick and martin lawrence redo a death at a funeral with an american cents. it's are rated. just 2.5 stars. and the growth with the dragon that tatoo. 2.5 stars for death of a funeral. the night to gets two stars. and so does the new movie, the joneses. have a nice weekend. abc 7 entertainment. >> a last check on breaking news. >> police in silver spring investigating the suspicious
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death of a principal from madhesi middle school. kathy park is live on the scene with the latest details. 42-year-old brian keith betts, the principal at a middle school in northwest washington, shaw middle school. a co-worker went to check up on him after he did not show up for work and discovered the body. this is the second incident, the second crime scene. another crime scene to place in 2002. a father and daughter were killed. now that case has been closed, but this is an ongoing investigation. if you have information, you are asked to contact montgomery county police. >> thank you very much for that. >> a last look at traffic and weather. starwood lisa baden. >> two wrecks on 395.
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the first one is duke street. they've stopped all the traffic to move it on to the shoulder. the next one is northbound 395 at gleib rd. the two left lanes are getting by. now to adam caskey. >> the new strawberry plant you have -- just a few sprinkles out of the cold front tonight, just a few. some of the weekend will be spent in the 50's. 60 degrees for a few hours. 80 degrees today. have a great weekend. >> we will have a local update at 7:22. >> "good morning america" is
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